The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Utena in Latin
2001-09-09 - 9:02 p.m.

--8/27: Utena in Latin--

Which was, really, the premise of the dream. To put it short.

My best friend had a friend who, for some reason my brain didn't bother to explain, came from a country where they spoke Latin. Thanks, brain. However, despite this, I found out she liked Utena. She could understand a little English, and I could talk to her, but the only way she could watch Utena was as a Latin dub. So my friend suggested we all watch the dub together.

We were watching the first episode, and, for a while, it was pretty normal--except the dub was in Latin with English subtitles. The dub was, I commented, really excellent. And it was. Anthy's voice was dead on, and Utena's was only a little off. I can't remember any other voices, though. I guess the sheer oddity of hearing Anthy speak Latin was too much for my brain.

Then something struck me as being really wrong with it. "I haven't seen the first episode in a while," I said, "But did this really HAPPEN?" The whole thing was just purple sillouettes on a lavender background, all obviously done on a computer, it was so pixelized. There was a sillouette of Anthy as she talked, and then after a while it was of Chu-Chu climbing up a rope or something while she still talked; not that a sudden scene change is odd (lord knows, sometimes in the real version they'll just pan off to a cup of worms on mini-crucifixes or something. Well, not that exactly, but they COULD have) but the whole sillouette thing was just off. "Well," my friend replied, "do you remember what happened in this scene?"

I didn't answer, but, in retrospect, NOTHING happened that was even minorly risque in the original version in that scene. So what was the point?

I argued something like that. Then, suddenly, I was talking to another friend, asking her if the creator (who's name I knew in the dream, but not in real life. O.o;) had any clue what was being done to her series. And my friend said, "Oh, she knows what she's doing." "No, she doesn't! And if she does, she's dilusional!" I protested. My friend ignored me. "Yup. She knows what she's doing." It was all rather surreal, the argument. I'd say something, my friend would reply with "She knows what she's doing," like she was a zombie/robot creator-of-Utena fanatic.

Then, suddenly, I was trying to find a present for the Latin girl, because she was leaving the next day. But all I knew about her was that she liked Utena, and the only store in town was the Wal-Mart. So I was running around crying, because Wal-Mart was about to close (despite their 24-7-ness) and I wasn't sure what to get her.

Then my alarm went off. Not very interesting, I admit. But there's something to be said for Latin Utena, especially when your brain translates a scene.

Have a nice night.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron