The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Final Fantasy: The Movie
2001-09-09 - 8:44 p.m.


I'm a nerd. This is readily acceptable. I own a TI-86. I have a playstation, a nintendo, and a supernintendo all rigged to a TV that is already protesting the antenna and VCR in the first place, and I'm only ordering a PS2 to spare it the indignity of having a third appliance--a DVD player--jacked into it. There's only so many things you can hook into a TV, and I'm already over the limit.

Back to the subject. There are days, in every nerd's life, where we feel compelled to have our friends buy us movie tickets while we are at work, fearing the theater will fill up. There are days where we simply MUST see something opening day. There are days when, bouncy, we wake up realizing: there is something here today. And it has the words "Final Fantasy" on it, and costs under 40 dollars. So we Must See It. And now.

So, at 7:30 tonight, a group decended, hungry, on the Carmike theater, desiring one thing, and one thing only: two hours of sweet FMV action.

I'm going to keep this to a spoiler-nil description. So, even if you haven't seen Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, don't worry. I won't tell you anything the TV didn't. Unless you're watching some freak Spoiler TV Network.

I went to the movie with a set of 6 friends, who, in varying degrees, liked the Final Fantasy genre. We were all full of glee to be there. The theatre was pretty crowded: not all the seats were taken, but only about a row was free after loading, total. About 30 in there were pretty good fans, staying until the black screen came up on the credits, and 15 were DIEHARD, staying until the very end, waiting for eternal stars. (If you don't get that, play some old-school, buddy. FF8 and 9 gave us NO STARS, and we are still bitter.) So, all in all, it was a pretty good crowd.

Now, as for the plot. Well, I must warn you: DO NOT GO IN THERE EXPECTING IT TO BE ON THE TRADITIONAL FINAL FANTASY VEIN. At first, I felt as if (and, this is a quote from an online friend, Kali, so don't think I'm some genius. She is. I just felt rather like this, as well) I had started playing disc 4 of a 4-disc game. Then I thought: I'm putting too much on this. There is NO way they can get the plot of a game that can last roundabouts 60 hours in a 2 hour timeslot. Let's not be silly. Once you stop and say "This is NOT a game. This is a movie," you will be fine. The plot wasn't the greatest. It wasn't terrific, even on movie standards. But it was still pretty darned good. Just not pants-wetting. That's all I'll say, little buddy.

The graphics? Look, I've been with the Final Fantasy games since #1. Seeing a company go from the graphics there to this... it's just amazing. I saw the lead's face for the first time and--she had PORES. There was stubble. There was AGE SPOTS. Sometimes I'd catch myself forgetting it was a CG, I got so darn used to it. It's just amazing, how far graphics have gone. So, while the plot was not pants-wetting, the graphics were. So you'll still need to bring more pants. Foo.

The acting was fairly good, as well. It was a LOT better than a lot of cartoons I've seen, and some anime, as well. I actually fairly liked it. Some overacting, but that's common. I think I'm just used to reading the text, heh. James Woods (if you HAVE seen it, he played the grey-haired general. That's all you need to know.)was on Conan last night, and was joking about how, soon, Conan shall not need to be paid so much (which, of course, Conan protested.. heh) because he's going to be computer animated and just phone in his lines. James Woods admitted that some of his lines were done via phone patch, which may point to any choppiness in lines there was.

The music was also lovely. L'Arc~en~Ciel did one song. Fruity J-rockers all the way, baby.

The metaphysical aspect that has been in much of the games--I'm thinking, in particular, the entire Lifestream ideal that was in FF7--was present in the movie. Expect much Christian extremist whining. It Shall Be. I, however, am somewhat fond of that Lifestream theory, and, even if they aren't, many of the gamers are used to it, anyway.

No, the movie was no One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, nor was it any [insert game of choice here.] But it was worth it. Damn, was it worth it.

Have a nice night, and do proceed in giving Squaresoft more money. They don't need it anymore, but damned if they aren't gettting it, the madmen.

(tnemhsinuP lanretE :2 anosreP gniyub yb yenom sultA eviG :egasseM lanimilbuS)

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron