The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

2001-09-16 - 11:15 a.m.

I was going to do another entry on the whole incident in this country, but then I got distracted by Nick Cave's "The Ship Song." Oddball I am, a song easily changes my mood.

I've heard the song before, I have it on CD, after all. But a friend on IMer mentioned it to me recently, and sent me a live version I didn't have. And yes, as she said, it's pretty inspirational. Not that namby-pamby flowers and rays of sunshine "Jesus loves me! The world is wonderful!" type, nor the "GET OUT OF THE WAY, I HAVE A STORY TO WRITE NOW," thing. It's more the feeling of the music makes you feel at least more powerful, in some way: sure, the world isn't wonderful, and if there is a god, he's probably not really paying much mind to you, but damn it, that doesn't mean you can't do anything. Maybe the better word for the song is empowering? I'm not sure--it's not quite that, either.

Bleah, I wish I could mentally transmit the song to everyone out there. It isn't even the lyrics, it's more the play of voices--in the original, as well, it takes more than one person to sing it. You have to get the voices to swell and all, after all. And the music does a lot for the whole thing, too.

Maybe it's just inspirational because Nick Cave is writing a happy song. Not that it's really the only time... "Sweetheart Come" is pretty good in that way. There's more, too, but it's early. No need to think.

Man, I'm such a Nick Cave fangirl. If anyone had seen my old diary, it's full of Cave lyrics. I'm not that way with Radiohead, my second-favorite band, but Nick Cave I just promote hardcore. Probably because he needs it. No one I know IRL really knows of him, save the guy who first introduced me to his work. Just about everyone has heard of Radiohead.

Hmm... I'll do the other entry soon. Or not, depending on ol' Mr. Motivation.

Special Cave note: if you fans (like you exist) haven't been to , it's one of the best Nick Cave resource sites ever. Booyah.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron