The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

My sarcasm is noticably crappy...
2001-10-16 - 6:22 a.m.

Well, I did get it done. At two AM, which is, all in all, a fair amount of time, considering that it was announced as due today only yesterday, and that I had to work until nine. I think my main complaint for the night isn't that I had to stay up all of it, it's that my wrist has officially become so ridden with carpal that it may as well not exist. I was trying to put some papers away, and my wrist gave out and I ended up with paper cuts--which is even more annoying for the fact that I shouldn't just be able to randomly get paper cuts like that. At the library, an entire shelf fell on me. I didn't pick it up. I felt if I did, I'd just cry--after all, I had to go home and write a goddamned essay.

Aren't you happy I come in here and just whine and complain? To spare myself typing any more of this hooplah, here's an emo poem as writen by a fifteen-year-old goth who read way too much Silvia Plath and H. P. Lovecraft to tell you how I feel:

My tears... They are so sad.

The fall from my eyes

Unnoticed by the cruel world.

They are tears of blood.

O, cruel, cruel world! How you hurt my soul.

My tears of anguish fall forever.

Now I'll shoot myself for writing that. And I'm sure Silvia Plath is happy for all the munchkins that use her style for totally unnessecary whining--she's probably in the afterlife looking for another oven. H. P. Lovecraft gets less forgiveness.

But now that my unjustified angst is spent by writing a "poem" of unjustified sorrow, I feel all better. Even though I've decided that sarcasm is a dish best not attempted at 6:30 in the morning.

Staying up late was actually somewhat enjoyable, in the end, as just about the whole IRC gang was there... Although Mongy, Anony and Flair weren't there, they aren't there on a hugely regular basis like the rest--Aurora, Azusa, Dove, Shinny, and I. Sure, they r0><><0rZ, but they're not always there, they just come in and aggrivate the shroom once in a while. And as we all know, Shinny needs to be aggrivated, from time to time. He is an unusual guy, that Shinny. Aurora, who's been one of my closest partners in crime for a while now (despite living in Puerto Rico) introduced him to me. He's a nice guy--always quite considerate and even offering up free webspace to bums--but he is a bit odd. Naturally, I wouldn't like him if he wasn't odd, but you know... It's not every day you have to ask of someone in your life, "Is his fanatical devotion to the pursuit of panties for real?"

Then again... maybe all men are like that, and I just haven't noticed.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron