The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

31.08.02 - 11:52

I think I broke my spine. Okay, so maybe that's exaggerating things a titch--after all, I can feel my legs--but my back hurts terribly. It's probably these high-quality mattresses they have us on. Cinder block and pegboard walls? I think so!

I saw Amelie last night at the Wilson Theater. First movie in the Fall Semester Film Series, a series that seems, for the most part, quite arbitrarily chosen--from Pee Wee's Big Adventure to Kandahar to Dancer in the Dark. You know I'll watch 'em all, if I can help it. I'm impatiently waiting for October 26th--that particular flick will be Rocky Horror, fully supported with actors from the theater department. Red vinyl pants, here I come.

Back to Amelie. VK and I were once going to rent this summer, but the box said "heartwarming." We're easily discouraged by such things--and justifiably so. If it says either "Robin Williams" or "heartwarming," it's a safe bet you don't want to rent. But there's always exceptions, and Amelie was definately one of them. It was full of hilarity and lawn gnomes.

It was also amusing when we were walking out of the theater--Elizabeth (one of the girls on my floor, also someone I'm rapidly becoming friends with) mentioned that the lead guy was hot, and I agreed, and said "It was totally the nose." She laughed, and said it was the same for her.

While that's probably utterly unamusing for all of you, realize that we have the most insane taste in looks. She thinks Conan O'Brian is hot. I think John Hurt is hot. Yet for some reason, we think a lot of the same folks are attractive--a rarity for us, the perusers of the unusual. And big noses.

Today we're finally going to the Salvation Army. Keep on not getting down to the thrift shop because my friends and I keep on having mismatched schedules. It happens. I need to buy a frightening lamp. Or at least a huge-eyed child painting. Something full of class, at any rate.

I mostly hope for food. I've been living off of triscuts. Lord help us all.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron