The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

I'm drinking tonight to honor you, Selby. A lot.
28.04.04 - 10:49

You know, I love the BBC news. The website is my homepage and all, and virtually my only source of news when I'm at college.

However, I'm a bit jaded at their Entertainment section as of 10:50 my time this morning. Top headline? Elton John calls American Idol racist. Okay, that's nice. I suppose that would be a fine top headline on a slow day. I'm sure someone reads the news and watches American Idol. I'm equally sure that, like a lot of American pop culture, it probably is a little on the shady side, race-relations-wise (I don't watch the show, but I'd be willing to wager that there have been maybe four Latino/Latina folks on it, and oh, around zero contenders of Asian or N. American descent) and all.

But today we've got more pressing news. Look, BBC. Hubert Selby Jr. has passed away. We all know he's influential. American Idol, like the Gong Show, will fade from our memories save for a few passing jokes. But Selby, one of the last of his great generation of literary geniuses, took a branding iron to the pasty hide of American lit. We've lost almost all of those great men, now. Least you could do, BBC, is put it front-page.

Oh well. What am I complaining for? At least it was on the website. CNN would be listing what shoes Hillary Duff is wearing right at this moment before informing readers of the loss of a great man.

Man, am I a bitter old biddy, or what...

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron