The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

2001-09-09 - 8:07 p.m.


Apparently the Super Bowl is going on soon. I don't even know who's playing. I've always been like that, though... the only sports I can wrap my brain around seem to be (field and ice) hockey and soccer, and even then, I'd rather play them than watch them.

I used to be in marching band. I can remember watching the field and just waiting for the game to start--and then realizing it was almost half-time. I just kept waiting for the rest of the team to start playing. I mean, they'd all come out and do some stupid rooting high-five routine, and then a good number of them would go sit down, while the rest did something I could only assume were warm-ups. I suppose that's what I get for being a nerd.

This is not to say I'm out of shape. Well, perhaps I am, but I am not overweight by any means. The opposite, in fact, is true. I've discovered that most people who think too much are piteously thin. It isn't out of concern over our bodies, but rather the fact that we are too busy/lazy to eat. We'll move if we get hungry enough, but that can take a huge amount of time when you're writing the nth essay of the night, or are wrapped up in a copy of Hammer of the Gods that your dog chewed on.

Dogs are smart. They don't like Nietzsche.

I still need to finish Hammer of the Gods and The Anti-Christ as a matter of fact. I always get distracted in the middle of Nietzsche by some novel or something by Dave Barry. It goes without fail. You might want to hear some German discuss God with you at 3 AM, but when the translator decides to suck what little voice the guy had out, it doesn't exactly read like a smooth river, if you get my drift.

Anyway, 3 AM is Ron Popeil's time. RonCo all the way. Usually infomercials do more for my mind than philosophy, anyway, and when I talk about them I sound like less of an asshole name-dropper. I love infomercials. Unfortunately, lately the local channels haven't been playing them. Fox plays some QVC-esque sales thingy, CBS has reruns of old shows (which aren't too bad... there's something to be said for watching the episode of Seinfield where Elaine dances and looks like she needs back surgery for the sixth time at 2 AM) and some sports shows, and NBC has reruns. NBC has Conan, too, but he's not on at that hour where you're about to loose your mind. As for the other local channels, they go off the air around 1 AM. Pitiful. I really do miss the adventures of badly-accented psychics and a saran-wrapper that smash sixty empty pop cans.

Have a nice night.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron