The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

The routine of being ill.
2001-09-24 - 1:29 p.m.

You know, you'd figure that eventually I'd learn not to listen to myself when ill. Inevidably, I think the oddest things as being "good ideas."

I stayed home, naturally. After waking up because I needed to hack phleghm through what feels like strep throat (and yes, you DID need to know that) and then realizing I'm undergoing satanic cramping, I decided, wisely, that oral exams can be damned. I have sleeping to do. However, being sick, I couldn't get to sleep all that easily. Oh, no. I had to do the routine.

"The routine" is this. Whenever I stay home sick, I feel the need to make it as unpleasant as possible for myself. I have to finish any work I've been putting off, and, granted being too sick for that, I have to watch network TV. It's a nightmarish proposition. Here's what I think, every single time:

"Man, I'm feeling sick. I couldn't possibly look for a tape. Let's watch cartoons!"

So guess what I watch? I watch Dragon Tails, which is the most brainless cartoon on PBS ever, and I sat through an episode of Buzz Lightyear. Cartoons always go off the air in the hours when all kids are supposed to be in school, though--around ten or so--and then you have a choice: talk shows, or soap operas. Talk shows all the way. It never crosses my mind to put a tape in the deck unless one is already there (which one was, so I was spared watching any more than fifteen minutes of "I Spy on my Teenage Daughter," c/o Montell.) Why does this always seem like a good idea to watch this stuff? It just makes being sick about three times as miserable as it already is.

Luckily for me, the tape in the deck required no thought. It was raw Digimon lent to me by a friend. No, you haven't lived until you see CENTIPEDES WEEPING IN JAPANESE. God, at nine in the morning when you're nursing a fever, that show becomes the most trippy crack ever. However, I think it's ungodly cute, and it's fairly dark for a kid's show. I mean, there's only so often kid's shows have scenes where characters are watching themselves, crucified and being attacked. I think half the reason I enjoy it at all, English or Japanese, is because I can watch it with a vapid expression. Zero thought required, I can revert to sitting around eating cereal out of the box and wearing pajamas all day.

I did some homework I was never going to do, also. I have more to do, as well, but I feel like crap. So it might be a no-go, there.

Hmm... it's always good when you're throat is so sore that, when you answer the phone, not only do people not realize it's you, they ask how old you are. And think you're a boy, too.

This, of course, can only mean I've watched so much cartoons that I've turned into an eleven year old boy. With cramps. Unnerving.

Maybe more sleep for me, maybe no. I want food, too. Make me soup, internet.

Man. I just need to stop. I make no sense.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron