The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Sneaky little entry...
2001-10-08 - 6:47 p.m.

The systems are still down at the library. The optomistic estimate, at the moment, for them to be repaired is sometime next week.

Sad, really. I'm just sort of drifting about at the moment--this state is mostly brought on by the fact I'm computer page tonight, but it's also the system's fault, I'm sure. Because the system's always puttin' us down, man!

My weekend was too furious. I need some actual rest. Luckily, the majority of my friends will be out of town this one. I rented Hiroshima, mon Amour because it was in, because it looked good. Because I need to redeem my feminine side! Come on black and white French film about love! You'll surely prove my femininity, right? Even though one of my favorite films is a Merchant-Ivory, it also happens to be about men. Maurice, if you've not seen it. Good film.

I must go. Work. And all.


And now I'm on break. Yay for that.

People watching is a marvelous thing, really. I've gotten into the habit of, whenever I'm on the unfortunate duty of computer page, just watching people. I've always been a people watcher. We're intriguing creatures, we humans. At any rate, while I was on the floor again, wandering my rounds peacefully, I spotted something unsuspected.

A FURRY. (For those who don't know, these are folks who enjoy antomorphic animals--animals with humanistic forms. This "enjoyment" may or may not be sexual in nature.)

Now, I know these people must exist. Their fetish is, after all, one of the chief pillars of laughter on Portal of Evil. And, really, there's nothing too bad about their little jolly kink, provided it stays more on the human side of things than the animal. I've always been violently opposed to beastiality--they, like children, can't consent to such actions. Back to my point. While I realize these folks exist, I don't realy expect to see them in the real world.

But there she was. She wasn't looking at anything dirty. Just places to buy animal costumes to dress up in, and then at some furry site devoted to cat-people. It was odd.

You just really don't rationalize internet personas as "real," quite often. It's hard to comprehend sometimes. All internet personas have a real figure attached, including guys who draw Women of Incredible Size sitting on men. And you don't honestly want to comprehend that. This gal--she looked nice enough.

It's the folks who draw Kuja/Sephiroth/Xelloss/Akio super violent tentacle shoutacon porn you've gotta worry about.

No, I don't know where the shoutacon comes in. Nor do I want to.

Later, when telling someone I was going on break, there was a guy nervously trying to get a copy of the Kama Sutra while the computers are down, desprately trying to make jokes all the way.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron