The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

blah blah blah...
2001-10-09 - 5:09 p.m.

At this point in time, I have decided that any attempt to contain my desk's mess is, at best, futile. I'm considering building a Maginot line between the mess and I, but I realize that it'd have to be a damn big line, I couldn't leave the room as the door is on the mess' side, and that if I built said line, I may as well paint all my flags white.

I'm off to see a movie tonight, morning be damned. There's an auditorium that runs independant and foreign films, eight o'clock every night for about two weeks per film. The Following has its run ending on Friday, so I have to book some time for it. I heard about the movie on NPR, sounds pretty good.

I'm just rambling, aren't I? Ramble ramble.

In later news--Fox is on crack. They've been showing 01 of Digimon, and on Monday they had a random desicion to just show an episode from the middle of 02. Not that I'm complaining too much--it was a good episode--but I would like to see the rest of 01... It wasn't on at all today, though. Baseball.

Cervantes has devalued, as I get on with the book, from being "a stud" to being a typical teenage male. I'm yelling "I HATE SCATOLOGICAL HUMOR" so often, you'd think I was watching Tom Green breathe. And potty humor isn't like some stuff. You can't say "oh, I'm sure it's funnier in the original Spanish." BECAUSE IT WOULDN'T BE. Shit is shit, even if it's spelt "mierda."

I really have a big fat nothing to say. And I better stop saying it.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron