The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Persona! Or, as Baofu would say, "GYAH!"
28.10.01 - 19:47

Well, then. Did we all remember to set our clocks back, like good kids?

I had one of the most enjoyably relaxing days I've had in a long time today, and I was even awake for most of it. Despite getting to bed around two last night, I managed to wake up around nine thirty--or ten thirty, once I played with the clocks--and then went downstairs and poked around online. After eating nachos and watching Trainspotting (making it one of the most enjoyable lunches I've had in days...) I made the informed decision to not watch Lawrence of Arabia as I had planned, but rather to level slut Persona 2.

Now, to be honest, I've been neglecting Persona 2. With school breathing down my back and work to boot, I haven't even had the time to play Tetris, much less a complicated RPG. Add that to the fact that I was stuck on a guy with a LOBSTER GROWING OUT OF HIS BACK (yes, I know he has a name. But this is the magic spoiler-less summary of my day) and you make a fine recipe for putting a game down for two months. I knew how to kill him--I just had to get personas with a certain spell up to par (Suzaku already had said spell, which was how I knew it would kill Lobsty. I had to go to the Velvet Room, get the others... arr. Although any mention of Uroboros--especially when he has a Lobster-killin' spell--is enough joy for my life) and whatnot. So I spent about two hours doing that. Then I killed Lobster hardcore. Oh, and, special note: DO THE MAPS FOR THAT GUY (Ph43R my non-spoilerage, despite the fact said guy is probably not a spoiler in the least...). What he gives you is worth even stepping into the HP traps to map the whole thing. Anyway, you're probably going to be levelslutting hardcore for lobsty anyway! Hah!

Then I spent the next five hours playing around town. It was great fun. Man I love that game.

Especially when I'm not stuck.

I spent some time playing in the bomb shelter. I never did that side-quest, and I did some of it today. I also played about with the person search. That's always good fun--even if you don't really need money. Persona's the best ever. I just thought I'd repeat that.

And it has Baofu. Who, like Charles Bukowski, will punch you in the face and then drink a ton of bourbon and do your wife. Well... perhaps not the last bit, I don't know. He seems as quite the womanizer, but I don't think he's quite as bad as Bukowski--although they are frighteningly alike in other aspects. Even if Bukowski is eighty times the slacker...

Around eight, after starting on the main quest I was to be on (are you still fearing? Good), I decided I should do some homework.

After looking at my backpack, I decided that I really didn't need to. After all, I couldn't find where I wrote down what I had to do, so why bother?

Slackerliness wins every time.

But, yea. To sum up today: writing up asprin lab = no, Naotsugu Matsueda = yes.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron