The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

When will I write something worthwhile?
03.11.01 - 22:11

So... yea. I know you're all quite aware that I fall out of routine quickly, but I'd like to remind you of it again, as if it will excuse me from never writing anything at all.

If it counts, I've done an essay every two weeks this year--formal essays, that is. That's not even counting the timed writes in other classes.

But enough about me never writing. I'm here now. Feel my love. There... there it is. Sweet, hot pad love.

It's a time of rejoicing right now, at any rate. Don Quijote is over, and I'm not using it in the infamous Paper One, so we're all good. Just some sweet, sweet Antigone and Camus. My world is happy once more. Antigone's good for obvious reasons. Greek drama? I think so. Come on, these folks had gods strapped to rocks with vultures eating their livers. Forever! And more guys pushing rocks! Up hill! Both ways! Forever! And sometimes, if you try to go to Helios' isle, his beef moos at you. In other words, they were the best. And The Stranger is rock, also, even if all of the Christian kids in class think Mersault is depressing.

"How could he believe there's no God?"

Well, he's French. His existance proves it, right? *rimshot* Seriously, though, it's a pretty shallow view of a character. And Mersault is pretty easy to mischaracterise--sometimes he even seems a flat character. Camus' brilliance will smash your nose. And hardcore.

So yea. You can see why I have NOT been writing, can't you?

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron