The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

The swallows have sharpened their beaks
05.09.02 - 19:06

So it happens to be that my head feels like I've been going through it with a drill bit. I really can't quite explain why--I better damn well not have a sinus infection--but there it is, a five-alarm headache.

Could go down to the AV department tonight, feigning intrest in a DVD just to see The Intriguing Tall Lanky Guy. But you know it won't happen. I'm not even sure how intrigued I really am with him--as you can tell from this entire journal, I'm a clinical failure with the dating scene. And that's even assuming Captain Lanky is even likable. Well, come what may. I'm too hella busy here anyway.

During Comp Lit today, I was absurdly distracted. All the classrooms here are chilled to approximately the temperature of a meat locker, and I was sitting next to a window so the warm September air was wafting in. It's lovely out, and the cicadas still distract me. A squirrel was on a tree limb nearby, and was chattering over something. We were reading Stevens--for some reason I had the line in my head, "...and my lover, naked and with a heart murmur, lying on 200-count sheets."

And I don't even have a story to surround it with, and it's not even quite good at all. But my head hurts, and the early September wind brings forebodences of a long autumn season, and the chipmunks seem unnaturally fearless. So it's not like it matters, anyway.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron