The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

17.09.02 - 18:38

So I wrote the worst essay of my life today. It was only on poetry, so I guess that doesn't matter too much, but I always get embarassed when I do that. You know, crank out a three-page essay in ten minutes because that is how much time I have left until class.

I should have done it last night, but Velvet Goldtime went late--Anne didn't get off work 'til nine, and then Crazy Mike came in about an hour in and talked to us for about four hours. Found out he's the one with the Radiohead poster positioned directly below mine in 113. Once he left, we had to finish Goldmine. Once we were done with that, I had to finish the night's reading for my nine am class. So no time came in for that paper. And, while I did have time in my break between classes, I had to do up the fliers for Friday's movie first. Which left the proverbial half-hour. Go me.

Speaking of said flier, I've decided--in my infinite wisdom--to upload them as I make them, and as the movies go out. So let me know how I'm doing here. I'm not the most art-minded person in America, yo. Here's the first one. I'm just linking it, as it's a large file:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I know, it's most certainly the most high-class art film in the world. Do you enjoy my sensationalism with that whole "Banned in the UK" thing? I'm sure you could rent it there and everything--I just want folks to show up. And I'm one of those motherfuckas that likes to mess with sensationalism. What do you want of me--I was a managing editor for two years, yo.

It's actually a pretty simple design, but I'm hoping it's at least a little eyecatching. After all, I can only work in black and white.

Sweet Jesus, listen to me. You all have permission to shoot me if I go into advertising.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron