The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Blixa and the Booker
23.10.02 - 13:05

I like how I managed to wake up this morning, knowing it was mole day, and I'm not taking a chemistry class. Does this mean the knowledge is permanent? I did spend THREE YEARS in chemistry, mostly for lack of better to do.

Finally got around to doing my laundry. Wednesdays tend to be for that kind of dish-washing laundry-doing hooha. I've only one class, and it's not Monday. I really need to vaccum, too--it's been over a month since I last did so, and the hair piles on the floor are starting to get disturbing. But the vaccum IS in my RA's room, which IS locked as she's out jogging. So screw that idea. Cleanliness is BABINESS.

Today seems to be Placebo-listening day. I've been alternating my two new CDs--Einsturzende Neubauten's Ende Neu and Placebo's Black Market Music--depending on what I'm doing. Usually it's more Placebo for physical stuff (read: pretending to wash out my garbage can) and Einsturzende for mental stuff (read: pretending to write an essay). Afraid I couldn't really tell you why--most of Einsturzende's songs are just as fast and energetic as Placebo's. Maybe it's just "The Garden" and "Stella Maris" that keep it a more thoughtful mood. And Einsturzende is, as a band, just a titch more... intellectual, we'll say. Don't get me wrong, Placebo isn't Lance Bass or something. It's just hard to compete with groups that have lead singers who write novels and photograph bathrooms, and who record construction equipment and electrical currents at frequencies that make them sound like the human voice. And Einsturzende Neubauten IS twenty--they've been around the block a bit.

Bah, just talking about music again. I've not much philosophy right now, though. And it's not like I did much more than go to Japanese, eat, and get the RHPS ticket (which was free, you just have to get a ticket to prevent overcrowding of Wilson) today, so there are no true updates. I really do need to be working on yet another essay, but that is not exactly Booker prize-winning material, to be telling you that.

Speaking of the Booker, this year's winner sounds quite intriguing. A pity I've not much free time to read for myself nowadays (indeed, I should be reading Othello as I type this) but Martel's novel seems damn interesting. I also want to read Atwood's The Blind Assassin after reading The Handmaiden's Tale. Glad I took that course--although I remember fondly caring for The Blind Assassin when I worked new books at the library, I don't know that I'd have ever got around to reading any of her work on my own. Blame years of male domination of literature or blame Anne Rice, but I'm naturally wary of female writers. A bit absurd, I know. Anais Nin, Sylvia Plath, Susan Minot--all great authoresses, and I'm still a little hesitant of, oh, over HALF THE WORLD'S POPULATION. Damn.

Well, I'd best check on the laundry. When you come down to it, life does revolve a bit around the small things...

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron