The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Danny Gahan? What?
27.07.03 - 09:07

Sorry I'm dead.

Nothing going on here, really. We went--Kat, VK and I--down to Two Rivers park yesterday, swam in the river, all the time yelling about the cold "pockets" of water, the high probability of stepping on fish hooks. After, I had to shampoo my dreads heavily, fearing strange mold growth. But it was wonderful in only that way river-swimming is.

Sorry if this is short and kind of distant. Just woke up and all. Had an odd dream in which (in the middle of all the running away from something) my friends and I had to stop in a hotel to be hidden. Turning on the TV we saw that Conan O'Brien had some odd sort of special where he was having a picnic with all his favorite guests. The first guest on the show that came out was Danny Elfman, and, because this was TV, they had him play a song before he was able to pick up his paper plate and join Conan on this hilariously oversized picnic blanket (I think this show was ultimately going to be 2 hours long, and ALL his favorite guests were supposed to be on. Plus some, maybe, if you saw how hysterical that damn blanket was) for the party. Now, that would have made me question my mind enough, if it weren't for the fact that my brain did not make the slightest effort to--

a) figure out what he LOOKS LIKE. Now. I know what Mr. Elfman looks like. He's spookily attractive, and has curly red hair. This was not Danny Elfman. This guy was huge, looked a little like Patrick Swayze, and had long, straight, BROWN hair to his ASS. The dream-us knew this was somehow wrong, but decided that it must be him because he had the same voice. Or so we thought, because when I woke up, I realized that

b) my brain didn't even BOTHER WITH HIS VOICE. I know a good number of Elfman songs. Boingo and not Boingo. Some by heart. Brain, you could have chose any of them. No, no, instead my brain had him singing "Everything Counts" by Depeche Mode. And not as Danny Elfman. As David Gahan. Nice effort, brain.

Pity I woke up before I could see more "valuble acts..."

Well, I'm off for now.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron