The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Every time he kisses you it leaves the taste of saccharine
09.10.03 - 12:05

Have I mentioned publicly how much I enjoy Pulp? I'm starting to believe that We Love Life is my favorite over-all album in my collection--meaning, not my favorite album, but the album with the best total sound--and I listen to it every other day, despite having a large collection to choose from... Perhaps it's just suiting the "insane semester" mood I've been in, I don't know.

Not that my love of Jarvis Cocker dims my love of Lou Reed any. It's just that Magic and Loss is a little tough to get through when you want to cry over your midterms already.

Sorry for not being update-ful again, here--I've even let the short-lived experiment of daily photos slip by the wayside (big surprise, I can't be bothered with 99.7% of anything on the internet for more than two seconds) and all. But it's been, as I mentioned, pretty crazy here. I skipped stats this morning because I feel like my voice is gone, anyway, and because I need to study for the microbio final which shall be the death of me, and maybe, you know, start on my case study for religion. Although the topic--faith healing in Christian Science--is one I'm digging. Yea, I can get into this. I'm probably actually declaring religious studies my major quite soon here, so I can sort out all the studying abroad stuff. Wee.

Come Saturday I'm of to Boston to visit the bro. Quite stoked about it, I'm really looking forward to seeing it for the first time, and to seeing my brother again, as well. Still sad Salvation Army is fresh out of velvet paintings, though--I have no housewarming gifts.

Well, off again. I'd make empty promises about updating more. But you know.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron