The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Your car can go up to 110...
10.12.03 - 16:14

And so I copy Ms. VK once more...

theory slut
You are a Theory Slut. The true elite of the
postmodernists, you collect avant-garde
Indonesian hiphop compilations and eat journal
articles for breakfast. You positively live
for theory. It really doesn't matter what
kind, as long as the words are big and the
paragraph breaks few and far between.

What kind of postmodernist are you!?
brought to you by Quizilla

...but this time with different results.

Interesting thing about this quiz: if I change the porn question's answer from "Are we talking hardcore, water sports, hentai, or what...?" (the more appropriate for me, sadly--I'm a general consieur of three things: infomercials, music videos, and pornography) to my other-favorite answer "as long as she gets to use a strap-on on him, I'm cool," I instantly become a Grassroots Activist. Go figure--my pomo identity is hinged on my interest for whips and chains.

Today was the last day of classes (we're now in the proper week of finals--I won't actually be leaving campus until next week) and I'm just glad to have it over. I blame sophomore slump, but I'll be damned if everyone I talked to didn't want to rub sandpaper over their brains this entire semester. Having both of my division one credits this semester certainly helped solidify my angst with academia. But, hey, it's over except for one seven-page paper and two finals.

So life is good. And it's snowing. And now I know snow-frosted dreads may not be fun, but once they dry, your head still smells like that nice snow smell all day.

It's off for naps for me--I've got to catch up on sleep, what with the last three days having a grand total of eight hours sleep overall. Hey, it's better than some.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron