The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Ground control to Major Tom...
16.12.03 - 15:06

So finals are over, and I'm totally passing all of my classes. For the record, my stats professor said I'd have to try a lot harder to not pass, and that I'd probably get a B-, depending on how I did on the final. I haven't got a grade so high in any math since honors geometry in high school. And that was a B-. My micro prof was less kind--she'd actually asked what I was doing in that class in the first place, but assured me I was passing.

I'll be getting back on the train tomorrow. It's all pretty routine to me now. Warhol (read: Pat Hackett) was right--you either need to do something everyday or only once in your life for it to be special.

Interesting note on Pat Hackett: if you google the name, you get this page which has a wonderful parade of good art on it. I just don't quite know if it actually is the same person. I don't have any reason to assume not--but then again, nor do I to assume so. I'm afraid I'm woefully low on Pat Hackett biographical information.

Finally, your hilarious blurb from the BBC: fistfights in Detroit! Really, the best part of this story is, indeed, picturing Jack White punching anyone in the face seven times. That's a lot of face-punchery. Oh, and also--BBC totally is buying the Meg-is-his-sister thing.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron