The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

more blah blah blah
30.04.03 - 15:44

Today was the last day of classes, and all I can say is hell yea. Not a terribly productive last day, mind--mostly filling out those mundane course evaluation sheets, and my philosophy prof plugging away on Hegel as ever before--the one highlight was that my Japanese prof turned out to decide not to show the video of our dialogue check today, which was great as I royally screwed that one up. It turns my phobia of public speaking hasn't really let up as of yet.

Sometimes, the flow of information and ideas on the internet strikes me as quite hilarious. Last night, VK posted her Inferno results. I, three hours later, posted mine. I then think Aurora was the next to post hers--but after that, it's just a huge fuzzy mass of folks who've got it up in their journals. Dante's still kicking, I suppose--I just wonder from whence VK got it.

All of my friends are out tonight--two are at a concert, the other two are mini-golfing with a club (I mean, as an organization. Of course they're using clubs, heh)--and I'm just hopeful to maybe start some work tonight. Chances are I'll just slack off all the night, though, haha. Lord knows I have enough essay to do though.

Just because I like sharing, here's another photo...

This is from the night the power went out on campus--of course, I was lucky enough to be working dishroom at the time, and got to play the exciting game "Let's stack all the plates as high as we can, until the power gets back on!" You can see the machine, powerless, in the front there, with the large cookie sheet things standing in it. Naturally, the power never came back on. And we left work with extra pay. And the campus turned it all into an improptu party. In retrospect, it was hilarity. But looking at this photo--well, I remember only the absurd of it, really. And the smell.

At least they weren't serving cinnamon beef that night. I don't know what the appeal is with that little number.

Music: Crime & the City Solution - "Angel"

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron