The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

It's like Planet of the Apes on TV...
05.12.03 - 09:34

Just so everyone knows--I'm so having one of those days, and it's not even ten am yet. Yea, I kinda got up at 7:55, got ready for class, and went to micro at nine, running up the stairs because I was late.

Or would have been, if, you know, micro didn't start at ten. Goddamn. I went in the room, all lost and looking for a seat as it was crowded as usual, noticing a few people were different but figuring they were prospective students or something. Only reason I figured it out at all was because one of the gals in my class is in that class, too. Still. You'd figure I'd know when my classes start by this time, considering this is the last Friday this class meets. An entire semester of knowing nine from ten am, and now in kicks the moron in me.

So, yea. I get an extra hour of morning to fritter away. I'd rather have the extra sleep, but I guess my insane, finals-panic-striken brain decided 7:55 was a good time to get up. Because lord knows, the alarm was set for nine. These last weeks need to be over already--I'm damn sick of this semester, and of the four papers due next week.

Oh well. It'll be done soon enough. And until then, I still have plentiful Pulp to listen to.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron