The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

i got the brains, you got the looks. Let's make lots of money.
15.03.04 - 15:37

And lo, I return to the wasteland-tundra which is Wisconsin. Pity, that--I've got a raging cold and could honestly care quite a bit less about the relationship between orator and text in the Lotus Sutra, and would much rather be watching movies once more. But I'll eventually be back to Seattle. If for no other reason than to act like a sea anemone at seven in the morning to egg VK on.

Filed my taxes today, and then realized "Oh, whoops. Hey captain dipshit, maybe you should have done this in February, because now FAFSA's all like 'ooo, you need to file me by march 1st.'" I'll still file my FAFSA, but cripes. I hope I get at least a titch of aid... Still, I suppose knowing the government owes me 107 dollars is a happy thing.

Over break I found that I got a check for 13 dollars for that CD settlement thing that happened god-knows-when! It was pretty exciting. Wee, money for nothing! note to self: ignore the 150+ CDs you own; the sheer amount you must have pumped into the industry.

Look forward to whenever Fotolog lets me log in. Thousands of insulin-requiring photos of wee fuzzy things? I think so! Let's remember--red pandas leave you no choice but to just grab them and kiss their little faces.


where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron