The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

07.02.05 - 23:52

Tomorrow's my Friday, woo-hoo... Going to see Beautiful Boxer, a movie about a guy who boxes to earn money to get a sex change. And me, not even seeing Million Dollar Baby, just skipping to transsexualism...

Some excitement today--my SO's roommate has, in the last few months, been more than turning down the wrong road--he's been doing drugs, and not just the hippie shit, and not just in the way-that-doesn't-make-you-forget-how-to-pay-rent. So, to get away from this situation, the SO has moved most of his stuff over here today (and has been spending most of his time over here since October, anyway). It makes for cramped quarters, and it's sooner than I wanted to move in together, but it's hard to say "no, you have to live with a crack addict, honey."

And it's not as if it isn't ultimately the most practical thing to do... Rent in the city is so high that I can't get a place of my own. And these days, the person I trust the most is him. Heh, kinda pathetic--the person I trust the most I've only known for seven months or so. But I guess knowing someone isn't grounds for trust, after all.

Meh, no need to get maudlin over lessons one must learn! It's been a better--if not quicker-paced!--life since then.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron