The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Pop culture bonanza
17.02.05 - 22:06

Huzzah for payday! Went up to Northgate with the SO today--he was game to sit around in a bookshop while I finally got fitted at Victoria's Secret... Being what I describe as "hilariously" flat-chested, I've been under the evils of ill-fitting bras for some time. But it turns out I'm a 32B, not a 32A! That's at least one step up from really pathetic to just pathetic. But while the new bra is awesomely not causing horrid upper back pain, I could only afford one, shucks! Bras are so spendy. :P

So after spending my money on something worthwhile, I of course had to go out and buy a videogame! I found Nocturne used at Gamestop (where I have one of those 20% off used games cards) and got it--I can't believe I was so slow to pick it up! If it's anything like Persona, it'll be impossible to find tomorrow. I'm still playing Arc The Lad, though, so no word yet on the impending rocking of my socks.

New Apprentice tonight, yay! And finally, thank GOD, Michael is gone. Heck, you know that it was rigged to draw out his impending doom for a month, just so all the viewers had someone to hate. As a group I tend to root for Net Worth, mainly because I've grown to hate higher learning began dating a blue-collar realised that college degrees aren't really all they are hyped up to be. But as people, I liked Danny (oh, dear emo marketing doll) and I actually think Bren is a good-natured business powerhaus, were there ever such a thing...

Oh, and sorry for my lack of regard for "spolierness"--I'm on the west coast, and just figure no one I know likes such reality TV drivel, haha!

Speaking of which, hope everyone is being secretly drawn in to "The Secret World of Michael Jackson." And if you are, you should also be reading The Stranger.

Oh, and play with the new comment feature! Yay!

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron