The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Screw you, Ben Stein.
27.02.05 - 21:35

Oscars means today is mild complaint day! At least it started out okay, as the SO got a cactus spine out of my hand this morning. Ouch! It'd been in there for three days, and I had to wuss out as he got the scar tissue off with a boxcutter.

So this morning the Wall Street Journal TV show was "blessed" with an op-ed piece by Ben Stein--in which he mainly jabbered on about how American movies are "too dark." Okay, thou-who-shouted "Buuuuuuuhllleerrrrr," that's not really a problem. But disclosing a certain fact that gave away the entire plot of Million Dollar Baby? Not cool. Man, you know I'll be emailing an angry letter at that "email your comments here" address. Ass. I haven't even got to see it yet... maybe I'm slow, but that's no excuse! I, to this day, wouldn't openly post the ending of FF7, as I know there might be someone reading who hasn't played it yet. It's more than reasonable that someone who is watching that lame Wall Street Journal show on Sunday morning hasn't viewed Million Dollar Baby.

Other complaint? What's up with giving awards to folks in the freakin' middle of the auditorium? Maybe "best makeup" doesn't wet the normal American's pants, but the normal American is a dumbass. These folks work hard. And talk less. My vote? Get rid of the hosts.

Off to bed. I've been feeling like I'm getting dizzy a lot again, ack. Sometimes when I talk to customers, I feel distinctly like I'm going nuts! I kept stuttering when helping folks, and ultimately left work wishing I didn't have to talk to anyone... Bleah. Doesn't bode well for the SO at all, when I'm all snippy like that.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron