The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

mmm... Mr. Laurie
08.03.05 - 21:22

I just discovered the surest way, ever, for someone to hide from me in plain sight. If you're American, act in a British show; if British, in an American, and grow facial hair! It's so easy! Despite seeing about half a billion ads for House and watching two episodes before the one currently airing, I just now realized that the star is Hugh Laurie! You know, mostly-famous-for-being-Wooster Hugh Laurie? But also, totally-awesome-in-Black-Adder Hugh Laurie? Oh, and acting smart also conceals his identity. Yay, Hugh! Still hot, even with mildly nightmarish facial hair. Especailly when playing a GBA. May I please lick your booty worship your acting skills?

Looking at IMDB, I now see he's been in other American things of late. So if I were able to watch this allegedly-awesome Carnivale thing, I'd also be not-seeing him there. Wee!

Yesterday was an absolutely awful day... I had been told all last week that I was to start my new weekends (Mondays and Tuesdays) this week. But Monday morning, what should happen? That would be a call from work, saying there had been a mistake and I had to come in! I was so mad I was crying. When I got there, I lied and said I was hungover... it's always good when drunkenness is better than crying! Then I had to clock out early to take my nearly-intollerable sister to lunch. I assure you, loosing three-fourths of a day's wages and paying 41 dollars for lunch was the best day ever. It wasn't until around 8 PM or so that I finally cheered up, when the SO appeared with cold beer and we played some Baldur's Gate. Today was good, too, so all is well. Sometimes, life has to pitch you those shitty days, just to make sure you're paying attention to how good your life really is!

In conclusion: Anchorman was the worst movie ever. So why was Bill Kurtis narrator? Why, Mr. Kurtis, when your deep voice is clearly my best friend?

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron