The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

We gotta get outta this place...
12.03.05 - 20:53

Sorry about the title, I'm just absent-mindedly watching some PBS special with "hits of the 60's" on it. The antenna is being especially bitchy today, so I only get PBS, CBS, and blurry-NBC in. This is, of course, the best thing on.

Work's been slow, as usual. Today, though, my co-worker and I unbolted this bookshelf from the wall to get about two-dozen books from behind it! There was a calendar from 1998 advertising tourism in Germany behind it, which was more than a little weird. You know, because we're an alternative healing/craft store. Not a German tourism board. More along the lines of the store (but still hilarious!) were the two copies of Golden Fountain: The Complete Guide to Urine Therapy. By far, everyone was most impressed with that, but only I knew that we already had a copy of Urine Therapy, a different book on the subject (without so many amusing photos), on the shelf. I guess folks will try anything, when infuriated by modern medicine!

My muscles hurt all day, too, for no reason... maybe it's because I've been pretty stressed lately. This house is getting to be increasingly hellish. Today the ceiling leaked again, which means something's overflowing in the bathroom above me. But when I knocked on the bathroom door upstairs, the toothless electrician went on about how it must be a "problem with the plumbing." Yea, right! I haven't had that happen for 4 months or so, since this slovenly teen moved out! So I yelled at him such, and when he said I was crazy, I grumbled (kinda loudly) "goddamn crackheads!" I hope he A) didn't hear me, or B) won't knife me! Goddamn toothless crackheads!

Hopefully I'll be moving out with the SO soon, though. Which, although it will be great, stresses me out a bit, too--I just don't want to depend on anyone else at all, really. Moving in with someone is pretty scary. Heck, people are pretty scary!

Well, back to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It's too fun!

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron