The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

Drink, drink, drink to poor film..
19.03.05 - 22:38

There was apparently much fun on the server yesterday... suckhouse! I at least feel less guilty now that I pay for the diary, but still--nice work Andrew, and thanks! Anyone who, for some off-beat reason, was filled with an intense desire to read my rambles last night, sorry.

Oddly cranky at work today. Not that it wasn't unjustifiable--I'm getting really tired of one of my co-worker's crap (always talking loudly at work about how the customer is rarely right, always playing the music too loudly, always flirting with anything with a vagina, always talking too loudly about sex) and he was up to the old habits today--but I try and keep neutral to it all. Even when he and another of my co-workers are always bickering, I do my best to not pick sides, and keep quiet. Maybe I'm being too giving, though... it'll only get worse if I keep letting them go on talking about music and fighting in front of customers instead of working.

I don't know, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but in retail, shouldn't you just keep your need to chitter about sex and how OMGSODESPRATE you are in check? And shouldn't you realize there's probably a reason no woman wants to be near your skank hippie/massage therapist ass?

After work, though, I had beer and pasta, then paid my phone bill, which made everything all better. Yesterday was a good day after work, too--the SO picked me up, took me out for delicious taco magic, then we walked up to the Varsity to see the world's newest Korean animation (and one of the few actually fully made by Koreans), Sky Blue. It was awful! The best review of it I can make is this: though my boyfriend has been known to sleep during movies in the past, this time it was so boring he not only fell asleep, but woke up to stretch out over the seat next to him to get more comfortable, then fell back asleep. His reviewing powers are awesome! On my part, I sat and suffered through it all. The graphics were amazing for the first five minutes or so, but after that, it was just yawnsville. The movie had that sort of plot you'd find vaguely passable in a videogame--a lot of battles, some exploring, a love interest, and a ton of characters that you never bond with. But even then, you'd be thinking, "gosh, I wish I were playing something with more plot, like Yoshi's Island!" Some parts of it were pretty amusing, though... like when, in the middle of the movie, the creators realized they forgot the cute animal, and just tossed this weird squirrel thing with pointy lemur-tail-ears in--for two thirty-second scenes! It was almost as if they just drew it on another cell and popped it in there. At least they got all the anime cliche checkboxes filled...

Finally, I realized at work today that I do far too little beer promotion! So, to remedy: the awesome beers of the season are New Belgium's Biere De Mars (although it's nowhere as wonderous as their winter ale Frambozen was, you better snap it up! It's great, orange, and the season for it ends this month, eep) and Bridgeport's Blue Heron Pale Ale. Cheers! And while you're drinking, please take a moment to wonder about warning pages before a brewery's website.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron