The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

The Amazing Forgetomatic
21.03.05 - 22:01

I love what a ditz I am!

I was over at that overly-trendy, hoop-jumpin' other journal service's website to start an account just to see the locked entries of friends over there. Submitting my info, I realized, to some dispair, that someone already had the moniker "redconverse."

"Who," I wondered, "would randomly choose such a lame name?" So I trotted over to check.

Why, that would be MYSELF. WTF? When did I do that? I, quite luckily, managed to come up with the password (it was one I once commonly used) and logged in, so now I've got the account good to go to friend away... but when did I do that? Why did I forget? Who knows!

Looking at it, though, I realize it is pretty old. I could probably date it with fair exactness, actually, because I made it sometime in the period between when I first was involved with Mokushiroku Coffee (it's at the old address, at that) and when the old email service shut down--a period which probably lasted less than two months. It also explains why I forgot, haha! No more pesky emails from lj, when your email provider goes defunct!

Of course, all this fun detective work is ruined when you click on "details" and look at the startup date: September 9, 2001. Which is actually the same time I started this one. I must have been option-shopping when I shut down the old journal at... wherever it was. The Open Diary? Was that it? I had that one starting in '00 sometime. Ah, memories!

Well, now I can start to friend folks, I guess! And hey, wasn't there some borg groups that friended abandoned journals, or something? Why'd they never friend mine? It's been abandoned for four years. Obviously, I'm better than Picard.

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron