The Subtle Scent of Slack
The Usual:

-get your own

bits of good news, but not much, as it's sleepy drunky time
22.04.05 - 21:51

Sorry I've not been on, all. But I've got a wonderful excuse!

That nice two-bedroom with a lot of light? Well, the SO and I got it! It took a lot of being cheap to make the down payment, but it's all affordable-ville and wonderful-town from here, right? Sure.

No, I know there will be more hard financial spots and more tricky emotional tarpits, but heck. Having more room, more light, and some clean air to breathe has done wonders for me.

And I'm getting a raise at work, too! Huzzah!

where I've been - where I'm going

LK / Aurora / Kat / Azusa / blueneko / Shinkuu / irk
rikoshi / Alruhi / chibi / Arcy / Absalom / Metron